Сheck in
Check-in time of tickets and baggage is determined by airlines, passenger should be informed about it when buying a ticket.
Approximately check-in starts 2 hours before flight departure.
Note! Some airlines prolong check-in time for flights:
- AIR CHINA – 3 hours before the departure time
Check-in for a flight finishes 40 minutes prior the take-off time. When booking and purchasing an airline ticket please check the check-in time limits with the authorized personnel of your airline.
A passenger can check-in for a flight:
- Before arriving to the airport – online check-in;
- Upon arrival at the airport – at the check-in counters.
You can find the current information about your flight at the airport web-site or via phones:
- +375 17 279 13 00;
- +375 17 279 17 30;
- 211 (MTS, Life, Velcom) – paid call.
It is recommended to arrive to the airport 2–3 hours before the departure.
If you are late for check-in, you will not be allowed to take your flight.
If you are late for check-in, please, address to the airline booking office situated on 3rd floor of the air terminal complex or notify airline representative via telephone number that you can find on your ticket.
After check-in and baggage handling, passenger goes to security point specified in the boarding pass for preflight security check.