Dear passengers and guests of National Airport Minsk!
For your convenience, organized parking lots are as follows:
Paid guarded P1 parking lot for 1235 car slots (long-term)
Paid guarded P2 parking lot for 138 car slots (short-term)
If you decide to arrive at the airport in your personal vehicle, we suggest you do it in advance in a timely manner in order to find a parking space in time. We also recommend you study the scheme of the LANDSIDE AREA.
We also suggest you to clarify in advance:
- information about the main objects on the landside area;
- information about the rules of vehicle movement and
- vehicles residing in the landside area.
- Current information of the parking spaces availability
You can receive further information by calling the following number: +375 33 300 10 19
The parking facilitiesare organized on the landside area of the airport terminal complex for the convenience of visitors:
- P1– parking lot for 1235 parking places (long-term):
per first two hours - 3.00 BYN, one day parking - 10.00 BYN.
- P2– parking lot for 138 places (short-term):
the first parking hour - 2.00 BYN, one day parking - 48.00 BYN, one week parking - 336.00 BYN, one month parking - 1440.00 BYN.
- P3– temporary paved parking lot for 1579 places (short-term):
the first 4 parking hours - 1.00 BYN, one day parking - 6.00 BYN, one week parking - 42.00 BYN, one month parking - 180.00 BYN.
- passenger pick-up and drop-off zones
every residence hour - 10.00 BYN, one day residence- 240.00 BYN, one week residence - 1680.00 BYN, one month residence - 7200.00 BYN.
- Free parking lots
- Parking spaces for people with disabilities
- Impoundment lot – for storage of the forcibly towed (evacuated, delivered) vehicles.
1. Paid guarded P1 parking lot for 1235 car parking spaces situated (on the right!!!) before the entrance to the controlled landside area of the air-terminal complex. This parking lot is madefor long-term storage of vehicles that belong to the RUE "National Airport Minsk" visitors. The parking lot terms and conditions are stipulated in the Paid Guarded Parking Regulation for 1235 parkingspaces, approved by RUE “National Airport Minsk”. You can familiarize yourself with the aforementioned terms and conditions at the information stand that is located at the entry to the parking lot.

At the P1 parking lot, an automated system of time and traffic tracking with video surveillance is in operation. When entering the parking lot, the vehicle driver presses the button on a parking meter and receives a one-time ticket with a bar-code By accepting the ticket the driver concludes a public custodial contract under the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations.
For the convenience of the customers, in the territory of this parking lot, you can use the Reservation service of parking spaces.
An incomplete hour /day of vehicle storage shall be rounded up to a full hour/ day.
The example of rate calculation the vehicle storage at the chargeable guarded parking lot:
A car has been staying at the parking lot for 10 days and 10 hours 35 minutes – rounded to 11 full days.
10 days storage fee - 48,80 BYN.
The one day storage fee is 2.58 BYN, including VAT.
The example of rate calculation for the vehicle storage at the chargeable guarded parking lot for the period more than one month:
A car has been staying at the parking lot for 3 months and 6 days.
Vehicle residence for the given period: 77.40 BYN x 3 months + 2,58 x 6 days = 247,68 BYN
1). The payment shall be made in accordance with the current price list valid on the day of payment for the servicerendered.
2). In case a vehicle occupies more than one car space, the payment is charged as for 2 parking spaces, for example, a car with trailer.
2. The parking lot for 138 parking spaces is located within the controlled landside area of the air-terminal complex and designed for a short-term storage of vehicles. The vehicle storage fee - 2,00BYN for each hour from the moment of vehicleentry to its territory; part-time stay is rounded up to full.
Entrance to theparking lot for 138 car slots

A passenger pick-up/drop-off zone is located next to the P2 parking lot. The standard rules for staying in the controlled landside area shall apply to all residing vehicles: 10,00 BYN per hour from the moment of vehicle entry.
3. P3 – a temporary walled off zone with artificial turf with 1579 parking spaces is located to the left of the controlled landside area entrance. This zone’s service fee - 1,00 BYN per 4 hours from the moment of vehicle entry.

When entering the parking lot territory, the vehicle driver shall press a button on the parking meter to receive a one-use ticket with a bar code. By accepting the ticket the driver concludes a public custodial contract under the terms and conditions specified in the Temporary Zone Statement, approved by RUE “National Airport Minsk”. More detailed information on the terms and conditions specified in the Statement is available on an information stand located at the parking lot exit point.
Dear drivers! We would like to remind you that according to p. 139 and p. 147 of Article 19 of the Republic of BelarusDriving Regulations, vehicles shall be parked with adherence to traffic signs and road surface marking. If they are not available, vehicles shall be parked with rational usage of parking space without them preventing access to already parked vehicles or their movement. In case of violation of the above-mentioned rules resulting in a road traffic movement hindrance, the traffic police have the right to forcibly tow (evacuate) such vehicles according to the Republic of Belarus legislation
A FREE PARKING LOT is located behindP3 parking lot and Belavia Airlines service parking lot.
All parking lots and their entrances are marked with road signs and information stands, which are placed according to the schemes of traffic movement in the landside area, approved by the State Road Safety Unit of the Minsk City Executive Committee.
Vehicle entry to the paid parking lot territory shall be paid starting from the first minute, excluding vehicles owned by people with disabilities. Payment for vehicle storage shall be made in the currency of the Republic of Belarus and in the amount specified in the applicable tariffs at the time of the payment.
To ensure aviation safety all of the parking lots are under CCTV monitoring. Violation of the Republic of Belarus Driving Regulations shall also be tracked.
P1 parking lot has special parking places FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, which are located in the first row and marked with appropriate traffic signs.
To make use of the vehicle storage services for up to 1 month, you need:
- To address the entry point pavilion of P1 parking lot;
- Receive an electronic entry card from the administrator, that is needed for entry/exit from the parking lot territory;
- To approach the parking space in the P1 parking lot following the administrator’s instructions (the first row that contains parking places is located in the reservation area, equipped with a toll bar).
Parking service payment for one parking place shall not be charged for the first 4 hours for the following vehicles:
- driven by disabled persons of Disability groups I and II as well as disabled persons of Disability group III with supporting-motor apparatus malformation;
- carrying disabled persons of Disability groups I and II, disabled persons of group 3 with supporting-motor apparatus malformation, disabled children;
- WWII participants;
- Army veterans who took part in combat in other countries
Relevant documents provision is compulsory.
The document is presented to the controlling official in the pavilion upon exiting the paid parking lot.
In case of anelectronic entry card loss by the client, he shall address the parking lot administrator.
Also, for disabled persons who plan on leaving their vehicle for less than 4 hours, a parking spot is accessible in the P2 parking lot, as well as 3 (three) parking places in the immediate vicinity of the airport building. (see “vehicle access to the landside area”).
Impoundment lot – a parking lot for keeping forcibly towed (evacuated) vehicles, which is located behind the P1 parking lot territory.
In case if you do not find your vehicle in the parking lot territory, you shall contact the State Road Safety Unit of the Minsk Department of Internal Offers, or call the number:
For further information on the current tariffs see the informational stand at the P1 parking lot entry.